Head ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o What : Readme File Ly-alpha imaging data distribution o Who : Matthew Hayes, matthew.hayes@ast.obs-mip.fr o When : Created 16 Jan 2009, modified 21 Dec 2010, modified 07 Mar 2011 o Where : Geneva, CH; Toulouse, FR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Files and Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are two tar'd files available for download: o Ostlin2009_lya.tar.gz o Ostlin2009_ha.tar.gz Respectively, these contain the images of the six galaxies in Ly-alpha and H-alpha. For each galaxy in each emission line, two images are distributed: the (continuum-subtracted) line image, labeled _lya.fits and _ha.fits ; and the (line-subtracted) continuum image image, labeled _lyac.fits or _hac.fits. All images are calibrated in [erg/s/cm2/AA], so to go to line fluxes, you need to multiply by the bandwidth. No H-alpha image is available for Tololo 65. Furthermore, the ACS/SBC imaging for Tololo 65 suffered a guiding failure and data for this galaxy are on the whole rather poor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Citations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you make use of these data, and decide to publish the results, please cite both the methodology paper (Hayes, et al, 2009, AJ, 138, 911) and the data release paper (Ostlin et al, 2009, AJ, 138, 923). ------------------------------------------------------------------------