Babunets Integrated Residual Distortions


                    I R A F
    Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = corrbrd
   TASK = brdfit

infile  =               @input  >input images
outfile =              @output  >output image name
mrdmask =                       >output (residual defect mask) 
sigmas  =                       >sigma rejection levels in each iteration
numsig  =                       >number of sigma rejection iterations
minx    =                INDEF  >minimum brd feature size in x
miny    =                INDEF  >minimum brd feature size in y
maxx    =                INDEF  >maximum brd feature size in x
maxy    =                INDEF  >maximum brd feature size in y
template= [sparrow|baldeagle|
     albatross|vulture]         >brdtype
function= [linear|polynomial|
           legendre|chebychev]  >fitting function
xorder  =                       >order of fitting function in x
yorder  =                       >order of fitting function in y
(verbose=                  yes) >print out verbose messages?
(mode   =                   al)

Users may have to provide their own BRD templates depending on the environment, altitude, humidity, food sources, and nesting possibilities native to the observing site.